
  • Please can you arrive 15 mins before the cast sign in times

  • Chaperones must display their badge at all times

  • Chaperones you must stay with your charges all the time even if that means taking extras to the toilet to keep them with you.

  • NO CHILD SHOULD EVER BE LEFT UNATTENDED - if you need help or cover send a DBS helper to relay a message

  • We will give you medical alerts and emergency contacts for each dressing room

  • NO PHONES should be used backstage by cast or chaperones

Backstage and Sign In / Out Helpers

  • Please arrive 15 mins before cast sign in

  • If you are covering sign in/out please stay on the desk until the next person arrives to sub you

  • Backstage helpers - please do not take children to dressing rooms or to the toilet. You can relay a message but you CANNOT chaperone

  • Always remain calm and patient with waiting parents

  • Stick to the call times 5pm means 5pm not 4.45pm!!

Any questions please text/WhatsApp Cathie on 07711 322512 or Jodie on 07732 040131