BKD Boy Tech

Sounds like a computer or gaming class right?! But it is actually short for boys ballet technique class.

We understand how hard it can be for boys to begin their dance journey as being the only boy in a girls class makes you stand out from the start and can put them off very quickly!

Boys Tech 1 - ages 5 - 7 yrs (Yr 1 - Yr 2)

Boys Tech 2 - ages 8 - 11 yrs (Yr 3 - Yr 6)

Boys Tech 3 - ages 12 yrs + (Yr 7 +)



This is scientifically proven that boys process information and learn in different way to girls. Often girls can sit and listen for far longer but boys need to be up and doing! Boys Tech is a ballet class open to boys of all ages and abilities and is taught by a male teacher who has first hand knowledge of being a male in the dance world.

Many sporting professionals study ballet to strengthen their stamina, overall fitness and precision skills in addition to their sports training. Supporting boys as they discover the world of dance and performing can be wonderful for their confidence and mental health, allowing them to express and challenge themselves in a safe environment.

We also offer BKD BOYS DANCE which is an all boys street funk class

Lets change the narrative and get more boys dancing!

The world will be a better place for it!