Boogie With My Baby
Boogie With My Baby is for Mummys and Daddys who want to get fit whilst being able to bring their baby with them. We have done a great deal of research into the format of dancing with your baby in a sling and we just know you and your baby will LOVE IT!
Tuesdays 9.45 - 10.30am
Woking United Reformed Church
The class is designed as a fitness class for the adult baby wearer and children are carried in a sling from just 6 weeks old - Walking (or until they are ready to boogie themselves!) Expectant mothers are welcome too!
Slings must be provided by the parents. We can give advice on the right one for you. Classes are taught by qualified fitness instructors with antenatal and postnatal experience.
Wear comfy clothing and trainers and be ready to move! Often babies sleep through these sessions so please feel free to stay and chat afterwards and enjoy a coffee in the front lobby